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SNAKE BLOCKER & Blocker Affiliate Instructors

"Martial Arts is a lifestyle, but it is first a mindset " - Snake Blocker


-Child of God Almighty, Subject to His Son, The King of Kings, Jesus Christ

-Husband to Melissa. Father to their four children: Sierra Ravin, Serenity Violet, Hunter Asher Talon, and Zander Colt Saber. 

-Training multiple disciplines (Jeet Kune Do & Affiliate Arts) since the late 1970s. 

-United States Navy Veteran (Tours: Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, and on the USNS Mercy (Naval Hospital Ship))

-United States Navy Retired (Active Mobiliations & Reserve time: 20 years and 2 months total)

Tribal Member - Lipan Ápấchề Tribe of Texas (Tribal ID #1229)

Heron Warrior Clan under the Sun Otter Band of the Lipan Apache Tribe (Apache Nation)

The Lipan Ápấchề Tribe of Texas is a member of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

Colorado Technical University (CTU), Colorado

Bachelor of Science (Scientiae Baccalaureus) Degree in Management - (3.88 GPA (A) - Denver Campus) - "With Great Praise" (Magna Cum Laude)

Master of Science (Magister Scientiae) Degree in Management with a Concentration in Project Management (3.98 GPA (A) - Denver Campus)

Master of Science (Magister Scientiae) Degree in Criminal Justice (3.86 GPA (A)- Colorado Springs Campus)

"Had an awesome time learning from you Snake! your knife system is awesome! Simple to learn but deadly effective! I look forward to seeing you again in the future Brother!" - Mitch Jenkins (North Carolina- USA)

Nedeh'ee nah'ha (Apache word for blessings):

All blessings and honors come from Above. "To God be the Glory, great things HE hath done."

Bruce Lee's Martial Arts - Jeet Kune Do (JKD) - Jun Fan Gung Fu (credentials)

Certified Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do & Jeet Kune Do Concepts - Hawaii Wu Shu Institute/James Demiles/Bruce Lee Lineage

Received from James Demiles (Sifu) (R.I.P.), Kainoa Li (Sifu), Gary Dill (Sifu), Dennis Eli (Sifu), and Guy Chase (Sifu) (Oahu, Hawaii-USA, Kansas-USA, & California-USA). James Demiles was one of Bruce Lee's early students. Kainoa Li, Gary Dill, Dennis Eli, and Guy Chase are all Masters and/or Senior Instructors in Bruce Lee's Martial Arts.  

Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Fellowship

Received from Gary Dill (Sifu), Guy Chase (Sifu), Kainoa Li (Sifu), Jill Hernandez (Sifu) (all Masters or Senior Jeet Kune Do Instructors)

Certified Affiliate Instructor Level 3 - Jun Fan Gung Fu - Seattle Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute/Taky Kimura/Bruce Lee Lineage

Received from Andy Kimura (Sifu) (Washington-USA).  Andy Kimura is the son of Taky Kimura (Sifu). Taky Kimura was Bruce Lee's best friend and highest ranked student in Jun Fan Gung Fu (Bruce Lee's Kung Fu). Snake Blocker trained with Taky Kimura, Andy Kimura, Chris Kent (1st Gen under Dan Inosanto, who ran Bruce Lee's Los Angeles academy), and Burton Richardson (under Dan Inosanto) at the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute Instructor's Conference.

Certified Apprentice Instructor - Jeet Kune Do / Jun Fan Martial Arts

Certified Apprentice Instructor - Los Angeles Chinatown Jeet Kune Do - Dan Inosanto/Bruce Lee Lineage

Received from Tim Tackett (Sifu) (California/Kansas-USA).  Snake Blocker trained with Tim Tackett in Bruce Lee's martial art.  Tim Tackett is a 1st generation Bruce Lee student under Dan Inosanto and he was the main instructor at the 22nd Annual Jeet Kune Do Gathering at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts. Tim Tackett taught his last out-of-state seminar at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts.

Certified Level 9 Senior Instructor - Jeet Kune Do Street Fighting System - Joe Lewis & Larry Hartsell/Bruce Lee Lineage

Jeet Kunhe Do Street Fighting System Instructors Association - Lifetime Member 

Charter School Certificate - Jeet Kune Do Street Fighting System: Blocker Academy of Martial Arts (United States Representative)

Jeet Kune Do International Street Fighting Martial Arts Systems - Member

Received from Rick Mullinax (Sifu) (North Carolina-USA).  Rick Mullinax trained under Larry Hartsell (Sifu) and Joe Lewis (Multi-World Champion Kickboxer & Full Contact Karate). Larry Hartsell and Joe Lewis were 1st Generation students of Bruce Lee).

Progressive Fighting System (PFS)/Vunak Fighting System (VFS)- Contemporary Jeet Kune Do (CJKD) - Paul Vunak/Dan Inosanto/Bruce Lee Lineage

Descendant of the Masters (DOM) Group (Inner Circle) Member

Certified Energy Drills/Weapons Instructor

Certified Clinch-Ground Instructor

Certified Knife Fighting Instructor

Certified Law Enforcement Instructor

Certified Edge Weapons Instructor

Certified Rapid Assault Tactics (RAT) ('Golden Goose' model) Instructor

Certified Senior Instructor Jeet Kune Do & Filipino Martial Arts instructor

Certified Asymmetric System Instructor

Received from Paul Vunak (Sifu) (California & Nevada-USA). Snake Blocker trained with Paul Vunak via semi-private lessons and seminars in California over decades. Paul Vunak trained under Dan Inosanto (Sifu) (1st Generation Bruce Lee student).  Additional Instructor Certificate witness signers on Snake Blocker's Senior Instructor Certificate: Rod Kei (Sifu & Multi-World Champion Kickboxer) (Ch'ng Mo Academy), Bill "Super Foot" Wallace (Sensai & Multi-World Champion Kickboxer), Chris Kent (Sifu) (Chris Kent Jeet Kune Do), Gary Dill (Sifu) (Jeet Kune Do Association), Kainoa Li (Sifu) (Elite Fighting System), and Guy Chase (Sifu) (Guy Chase Academy). 

NOTE: PFS/VFS-CJKD Core Instructor Levels are as follow: LEVEL 1: Apprentice Instructor, LEVEL 2: Phase I Instructor, LEVEL 3: Full Instructor, & LEVEL 4: Senior Instructor (AKA: Senior Full Instructor). Snake Blocker has completed all of Paul Vunak's instructor courses (1999-present). 

Jeet Kune Do Instructor - Los Angeles Jeet Kune Do Academy -Dan Inosanto/Bruce Lee Lineage

Snake Blocker and Ron Robles (Sifu) (R.I.P.) were members of the same church (California-USA).  Snake Blocker assisted Ron Robles teaching Jeet Kune Do at Rolling Hills Covenant Church (RHCC) for the TNT (Twenties & Thirties) Group in 2002/2003. Ron Robles was a Senior Jeet Kune Do Instructor at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts. Ron Robles was a personal friend to Dan Inosanto (Sifu) (1st Generation Bruce Lee student).

Certified Master Instructor - Jeet Kune Do Combatives - Oakland Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute - James Lee/Bruce Lee Lineage

Instructor License - Jeet Kune Do Combatives

Received from Gary Dill (Sifu), Jill Hernandez (Sifu), and Thomas Caldwell (Sifu) (Oklahoma/Kansas-USA).  Gary Dill is a 1st generation Bruce Lee student under James Lee (RIP), who ran Bruce Lee's Oakland California Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute.  Gary Dill was one of the main instructors at the Blocker Academy of Martial Art's 24th, 26th & 27th Annual Jeet Kune Do & Affiliate Arts Gathering/Seminar in Oberlin, Kansas.  Jill Hernandez and Tom Caldwell (RIP) are Senior Jeet Kune Do Instructors.  Additional Witnesses: Kainoa Li (Sifu) and Chris Kent (Sifu) were present during Snake Blocker's Jeet Kune Do Master Instructor promotion.

Certified Coach - Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling - Larry Hartsell Lineage (via Elite Training Systems Academy of Hawaiian Self Defense)

Received from Kainoa Li (Sifu), (Kansas-USA, Colorado-USA, California-USA & Oahu-Hawaii-USA).  Kainoa Li is a Certified Instructor under Larry Hartsell (Sifu) (RIP), Richard Bustillo (Sifu) (RIP), James DeMiles (Sifu), Taky Kimura (Sifu) (RIP), and Andrew Kimura (Sifu).  Snake Blocker and Kainoa Li have spent countless hours training together.   Kainoa Li is one of Snake Blocker's "inner circle friends.

Certified Phase 4 Advance/Instructor - Dark Gift Jeet Kune Do (DGJKD) - Vunak Lineage

Received from Carlos Eric Bentzen (Sifu) (California-USA).  Snake Blocker trained in Jeet Kune Do under Carlos Eric Bentzen via seminars in California and co-taught a seminar with him in California.  Carlos Eric Bentzen is a Progressive Fighting System Jeet Kune Do instructor, ranked under Paul Vunak (Sifu) and Thomas Cruise (Sifu). 

Jeet Kune Do Seminar Certificates

Received from Dan Inosanto (Sifu) (Colorado-USA).  Dan Inosanto , original Bruce Lee Student and designated instructor under Bruce Lee.  Dan Inosanto was also one of Bruce Lee's closest friends (Snake Blocker trained in Jeet Kune Do at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts, California for a few months and continued his training via private lessons and seminars for years with Dan Inosanto's Academy instructors).  Dan Inosanto would come to Blocker Academy of Martial Arts often and take private lessons from Roger Machado (Sensai) in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).  Roger Machado sub-leased part of the Blocker Academy of Martial Arts and called his dojo, Roger Machado Jiu Jitsu Academy. Snake Blocker also attended multiple BJJ seminars.

"Thank you, sir! Your seminar was excellent, [I] enjoyed how you told the History!" - Terry Gruel (Indiana-USA)

Thailand Martial Arts - Muay Thai - Thai Boxing (credentials)

United States Muay Thai Association (USMTA):

USMTA Honor Award Gold Shield/Badge & Certificate (3rd person in the world to receive the USMTA Honor Badge)

Appointed Official USMTA Muay Thai Judge & Referee - Official Gold Shield/Badge

USMTA Certificate of Appreciation

Received from Clint Heyliger (Arjarn) (New York-USA).  Clint Heyliger is the President of the USMTA, one of the largest and oldest Muay Thai/Thai Boxing organization in the world.  Snake Blocker has been affiliated with Clint Heylinger for many years, and they have done several projects together, including creating the NAL logo and USMTA Military League logo; representing and presenting the USMTA NAL flag at Crazy Horse Memorial and the Standing Rock Water Protectors Gathering; and promoting the USMTA in USA, Australia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Native American League (NAL) under the United States Muay Thai Association (USMTA): 

Appointed National & International Director of the Native American League (NAL 2018)

(The NAL is the oldest and largest 1st Nation/Native American Muay Thai organization in the world).

Appointed Vice President of the Native American League (NAL 2016) - Certificate #0609201622

Appointed USA & International Representative

Designated Muay Kru Yai (Fully Licensed Muay Thai Instructor) - License #0609201623NAMTA

Appointed Director Ápấchề Nation/Lipan Ápấchề Director - NAL

NAL Certificate of Appreciation

Received from Ric "Lek Suer" Sniffen (Arjarn), Robin A. Sniffen (Kru), and Clint Heyliger (Arjarn) (New York-USA).  Under the USMTA umbrella, Ric Sniffen was the NAL Director, up till 2017.

Confederacao Brasileira De Kickboxing Tradicional Brazil Master's Council (CBKBT):

Designated Muay Thai Kru Suuan (Master Instructor) Diploma (#CBKBT-852-USA/BRAZIL)

Honor of Merit Diploma - Muay Thai/Thai Boxing

Hall Da Fama Brasileiro (Brazilian Martial Arts Hall of Fame) - Muay Thai/Thai Boxing

15th Khan (Step/Level) - Muay Thai/Thai Boxing

Appointed Senior Instructor & Arjarn - Muay Thai/Thai Boxing

Received/Inducted from Carlos Silva (Arjarn) and Joao Pessoa (Brazil and Utah-USA).  Carlos Silva is the liaison for the America Latino - International Sport Kickboxing Association (ISKA) and Confederacao Brasileira De Kickboxing (CBKBT).

Saksithaawk Pontawee Camp International:

14th Khan (Step/Level) - Muay Thai/Thai Boxing

Designated Muay Kru Yai (Fully Licensed Instructor) - License #090620162220-USA

Received from Ric "Lek Suer" Sniffen (Arjarn), Robin A. Sniffen (Kru), Clint Heyliger (Arjarn), and Por Channorons Pontawee (Arjarn) (New York-USA).

Certified Level 10/Red Armband Instructor - Muay Thai/Thai Boxing 

Received from Frediun 'Iceman' Younossi (Sensai) (New Jersey and California-USA).  Frediun "Iceman" Younossi (Muti-World Champion Kickboxer) was an instructor at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California and Perth Amboy Kickboxing, New Jersey where Snake Blocker trained and did regular sparring sessions with him.

Licensed Professional Boxer (for Kickboxer & Thai Boxer events)

Received (via California & Nevada State Licensing and Mexico Boxing Commissions) from Muay Thai/Thai Boxing Promoters via recommendations from Steve Rodarte (Kru) (California-USA) , Doug Dickey (Kru) (California-USA & Mexico) & Lorenzo Rodriques (Kru) (California-USA). Steve Rodarte was a former World Champion Kickboxer.  Snake Blocker trained with Steve Rodarte via private and group Muay Thai classes in Whittier, California and Steve Rodarte was Snake Blocker's corner man [Second] for some of his amateur fights and later pro fights.  Lorenzo Rodriques was a former World Champion Kickboxer. Snake Blocker did private and group kickboxing classes with Lorenzo Rodriques at Lorenzo's El Monte Kickboxing Gym, El Monte, California. Lorenzo Rodriques was also Snake Blocker's corner man [Second] for some of his amateur and later pro fights.  Rod Kei (Kru) & Doug Dickey were both former World Champion Kickboxers who also were corner men [Seconds] for some of his amateur and later pro fights. Snake Blocker trained under Rod Kei for many years from Smoker Fights to Pro Fights. 

"Thank you, sir. It was a pleasure learning from and training with you." - Clay Lewis (Mississippi-USA)

Hall of Fame & Grand Master Awards Inductions

Come On In - Elite Global

International Leadership Award - 2024

Received by Dr. John Fitzgerald Williams (COIEG CEO/Founder), Dr. Jeanette Casitas Rana (COIEG Chief of Staff, and Dr Carlos Roberto Silva (COIEG International Ambassador, Brazil).

American Martial Arts Alliance Foundation Who's Who in the Martial Arts Legacy

Inducted at The Orleans, Las Vegas (2023) with Honored Guest, Cynthia Rothrock (Multi-World Champion in Forms & Weapons). Former inductees from the AMAA Foundation included Chuck Norris (Sensai & Multi-World Karate Champion) and Bill "Superfoot" Wallace (Multi-World Champion in Kickboxing).

Inclusion in the Who's Who in Martial Arts Cynthia Rothrock Legacy Book and the New Future Leader Edition

Received by Jessie Bowen (Nevada-USA).

Grandes Metres Das Artes Marciais (Martial Arts Grand Master (GM))

Received from Erich Froman, World University Inc. by Jose Austo Maciel Torres, PhD (Brazil), and from Bueno Editora Grarde Mestre by Dr. H.C. Fabio Amador Bueno.  Snake Blocker received during his 24th Annual Jeet Kune Do & Affiliate Arts Seminar/Gathering alongside Gary Dill (Sifu) and Carlos Silva (Sensai).

Masters of Martial Arts Award - Pioneer in Martial Arts

Masters of the Martial Arts Hall of Fame

Inducted at Martial Arts Kung Fu & Karate Expo 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, & 18th Annual (2015, 2016, 2017, 2022, 2024)

Received from Cliff Kupper (Sifu) (New Jersey-USA).

Philadelphia Martial Arts Society (PHMAS) Hall of Fame

Inducted at PHMAS Hall of Fame Banquet (Class of 2015 - Inductee #169)

Received from Paul Cheng (New Jersey-USA). Jackie Chan was also inducted after Snake Blocker into the PHMAS Hall of Fame. 

VITA SAANA/BITMA Martial Arts Hall of Fame

Inducted at VITA SAANA & Blacks in the Martial Arts (BITMA) Historical Legacy awards Banquet, 2015 - 2nd Annual African Martial Arts Banquet (special recognition to non-blacks).  Received from J.C. Mwanzo Mwalimu (New Jersey-USA)

Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Honor (AMAM Medal of Honor):

Ambassador of Goodwill to the Martial Arts (2016)

Outstanding Achievements in the Martial Arts (2017)

Esteemed Modern Warrior (2018)

Silver Lifetime Achievement (2025)

Inducted by The Board of Directors of Action Martial Arts Magazine. Received from Alan Goldberg (New Jersey-USA).

In Hoc Signo Vinces Hall of Fame

Outstanding Contribution to the Martial Arts (3rd Annual - 2022)

Inducted by Bruno Robelo (Caldas da Rainha-Portugal). "In Hoc Signo Vinces " is a Latin phrase conventionally translated into English as "In this sign thou shalt conquer."  Snake Blocker received this recognition along with other friends, Professors, Grandmasters & Masters including Chris Kent (Sifu), Gary Dill (Sifu), Kainoa Li (Sifu), Joong K Nam (Sifu), Rick Alemany (Sensei & Multi-World Karate Champion), and Margaret Alemany (Sensei).

R.A.V.E.N. Tactical Hall of Fame

R.A.V.E.N. Tactical Military Combatives Instructor of the Year

R.A.V.E.N. Tactical Colorado Representative

Nominated/Inductee/Awarded 2011 (Afghanistan). Received from R.A.V.E.N. Directors.

The World's Greatest Martial Artist Volume #68 book

Inducted by Ted Gambordella (Texas-USA)​

Sport Karate Museum - Native American Warrior

Sport Karate Museum - Native American Warrior Page

Nominated/Inductee 2025. Received from Central Appalachian Cherokee Tribe Chief Ren “Anavae Wolf” Herdman

Kenpo Karate - Kajukenbo Karate - Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) - Combative Arts (credentials)

International Kenpo Karate Academies 

4th Degree Black Belt - Kenpo Karate 

Kenpo Instructor's License/Certificate/Membership (Association Code: IKKA-120555)

Received from Patrick Salantri, 8th Dan/Degree Black Belt Advisor/Professor; Joseph Whelan, 6th Dan/Degree Black Belt President/Professor; Tim Bulot, 10th Dan/Degree Black Belt Senior Master/Vice-President.

Paul Britton, 10th Dan/Degree Black Belt Senior Master/CEO; Johnnie Peetoom, 10th Dan/Degree Black Belt Master/Board Member; Jose Garay Mancilla, 9th Dan/Degree Black Belt Master/Chile Director; Christopher Lussier, 10th Dan/Degree Black Belt Senior Master/Board Member; Brian Antak, 10th Dan/Degree Black Belt Senior Master/Executive Vice-President; and Mark Reding, 6th Dan/Degree Black Belt Professor.  

Alemany Karate School

4th Degree Black Belt - Kenpo Karate (AKA: Mitoysa Chinese Kempo - Kenpo JiuJitsu - Shora Ryu Karate)

Received from Rick Alemany, Senior Grand Master (California-USA).  Rick Alemany is a 10th Degree Black Belt with black belt lineage under several of the top Grandmasters.  SGM Rick Alemany received his 1st Dan Black Belt directly from Grandmaster Ed Parker.  Ed Parker was Elvis Presley's bodyguard and Karate Instructor, and he is credited as being responsible for making Karate mainstream in the USA. 

4TH Degree Black Belt - Presas Filipino Arnis

Received from Rick Alemany. Rick Alemany received his black belts directly from Remy Presas (Guru/Grandmaster). The Presas family is credited as being responsible for bring Filipino Martial Arts mainstream in the USA.

Certified Level 1 Instructor - Kajukenbo

Black Belt - Kajukenbo

Received from Rick Alemany (Sensai). Witnesses & additional signers: Kainoa Li (Sensai), Donald Cummins (Sensei), and Patrick Campbell (Sensai) (California & Oahu-Hawaii).  Rick Alemany is a Senior Grand Master. Rick Alemany also spent some time with Bruce Lee.  Kainoa Li is Professor and 9th Dan/Degree Black Belt.  Don Cummins is a Grand Master.  Patrick Campbell is a retired Army Special Forces member and Black Belt.  Snake Blocker also was ranked and trained with Dean Goldade (Grandmaster/9th Dan/Degree Black Belt) via private lesson and seminar.  Snake Blocker hosted Dean Goldade and W. Hock Hochheim (8th Dan/Degree Black Belt) at a seminar at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California. Dean Goldade is a high-ranking black belt in Kajukenbo under 3rd Generation Kajukenbo Master, Brian Yoshii, He also holds high ranks under W. Hock Hochheim and holds ranks in Jeet Kune Do).

American Jiu Jitsu Institute (AJI)

Black Belt (Shodan) - Karate Division (Certificate # K-430) - Kenpo Jujitsu (#4411)

Received from Sensei Grandmasters: Daniel Saragosa, Mel Cansibog, Stephanie Raymondo, Mindy DeCastro, Kainoa Li and Scott Horiuchi (Hawaii-USA)

Force Necessary (FN) - Scientific Fighting System (SFS)/Scientific Fighting Congress (SFC)

Certified Close Quarters Combatives-Concepts Group (CQCG) Instructorship Level 11 - Military Recognition, Security Recognition, Police Recognition, Martial Arts Black Belt Recognition (Awarded for completion of levels 1-11 in Empty Hand, Knife, Stick & Gun)

6th Degree Black Belt (Level 15) - Knife-Counter Knife [Combatives-Concept] - Force Necessary Knife (former name: Congress of American Knife Fighters)

4th Degree Black Belt (Level 13) - Kajukenbo - American Combat Kempo Karate-Jiu-Jitsu - The Hochheim Method

4th Degree Black Belt (Level 13) - Unarmed Hand/Counter Hand [Combatives-Concepts] - Force Necessary Hand

4th Degree Black Belt - Phase 13 (Level 13) - Defender Police Judo - Force Necessary Hand/Impact Weapon/Gun

3rd Degree Black Belt (Level 12) - Stick-Counter Stick [Combatives-Concept] - Force Necessary Stick (former name: (SDMS) Solo/Double Mano System: Solo/Double-Handed Stick/Crane/Baton/Long Gun)

3rd Degree Black Belt (Level 12) - Pacific Archipelago Combatives-Concepts (PAC) & Essential Filipino Martial Arts (Kali/Escrima/Combat Arnis) - Grand Master Remy Presas Method/Grand Master Ernesto Presas Method

2nd Degree Black Belt (Level 11) - Gun-Counter Gun [Combatives - Concept] - Force Necessary Gun

Listed as USA Close Quarters Combat Certified Instructors (Colorado & Kansas)

Received from W. Hock Hochheim (Force Necessary Founder) (Texas/California/Tennessee/Kansas/Colorado-USA). Snake Blocker began training with W. Hock Hochheim in the mid 1990s in Texas, California, Kansas, and Colorado-USA and Snake Blocker has hosted Hock at all three Blocker Academy of Martial Arts locations in Kansas, California and Colorado.  W. Hock Hochheim holds many black belts and instructor rankings in various arts (including Jeet Kune Do) and he received his 2nd and 3rd Degree Black Belts from Remy A. Presas Sr and Ernesto A. Presas Sr (Founders of Modern Combat Arnis). W. Hock Hochheim and Snake Blocker taught together at many seminars in Texas, Tennessee, California, Kansas and Colorado over the years.

8th Degree Black Belt - Balisong Knife Fighting

4th Degree Black Belt Researcher - Martial Arts Research Society (MARS) for Kung Fu [Gung Fu]

Universal Balisong Society Vice President (1998-2004)

Level 2 - Defensive Tactic Division Close-Quarters Combat "Surviving Edge Weapons" - McCurry's Martial Arts Research Society

Received from John McCurry (Sensai) (California-USA). John McCurry was an instructor at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California for many years.  Snake Blocker and John McCurry would train each other and co-teach student's each week (sometimes late into the night). John McCurry is ranked in Balisong Knife Fighting, empty hand and other weapon arts from Kazja Patschull (Sensai and one of the first, if not the first Octagon Cage Fight Promoters), Felix Mercado (Guru), and W. Hock Hochheim (Force Necessary Founder). Snake Blocker is the highest ranked student under John McCurry in Balisong Knife Fighting.  John McCurry was also ranked in Silat under Victor de Thouars (Silat Grandmaster). Snake Blocker had the honor to hang out with Kazja Patchull in California in 2020.   

Hybrid Arts (credential)

Instructor/Judan/Dark Red Hachimaki - Shinto-Ryu Kenjutsu

4th Degree Black Belt/Sash - Modern Sil Lum Gung Fu

Received from Frediun 'Iceman' Younossi (Sensai/Sifu) (New Jersey and California-USA).

Instructor & USA Representative - Ch'ng Mo (Fluid Art)

Black Belt/Sash 4th Degree Instructor & Representative - Ch'ng Mo (Fluid Art) Gung Fu (Hung Gar foundation)

Received from Rod Kei (Sifu) (California-USA).  Rod Kei is a former 3x World Champion Kickboxer, Metro Judo Champion & Savate [Saˈvat] French World Cup Champion, and Black Belt and Metro Champion in Judo.  Rod Kei & Snake Blocker were former roommates (Rowland Heights, California); they worked together as Personal Trainers at Nautilus Aerobics Plus (Torrance, California); and were 50/50 Business Partners of Academy of Martial Arts (Palos Verdes, California). Snake Blocker began training with Rod Kei in 1992 via private lessons in California. Rod Kei is one of Snake Blocker's "Inner Circle" friends.


Judo (credential)

Blue Belt (Rokukyu (6th Kyu/Level) - Kodokan Judo 

Received from Mark Muranaka (Sensai), Rokudan/6th Degree Black Belt, Gold Medalist for three consecutive years at the Senior National Championship and US President (2020) of The United States Judo Federation (USJF), Dean Shiraki (Sensai), 5th Degree Black Belt, and Kainoa Li (Sensai), 4th Degree Black Belt, Kailua Seidokan Judo Club (Oahu, Hawaii-USA).  Alos ranked and trained under Rod Kei (Sensai), Ch'ng Mo Academy & Academy of Martial Arts (California-USA)

French Martial Arts (FMA): French Foot-Fighting/Savate/Boxe Française (credentials)

Professeur (Professor) - Savate/Boxe Française (French Foot-Fighting [Saˈvat])

Silver Glove/Gant d'Argent - Savate/Boxe Française (French Foot-Fighting [Saˈvat])

Received from nine Silver Glove Signers: Nicolas Saignac (Professeur, GAT 2 Silver Glove), Former Savate Champion (California-USA) (received Moniteur), Dan Inosanto (Silver Glove), Bruce Lee's most senior Jeet Kune Do student (California-USA), Ezequias Gonçalves Dos Santos Junior (Silver Glove) (Brazil) (received Professeur), Giuliano G. Alves (Silver Glove) (Brazil), Alexandre Luiz Silva (Silver Glove) (Brazil), Guy Chase (Silver Glove Professeur) (Massachusetts-USA), and Chris Kent (Silver Glove) (Idaho-USA), Jean-Pierre Julemont (Professeur GAT 2 Silver Glove), Former Savate World Champion (Belgium), and Rod Kei (Silver Glove), Savate World Cup Champion and 1st American to win against the French in Combat (Full Contact Savate) (California-USA).  

Note: There must be a minimum of 3 Silver Glove signers on a Silver Glove promotion certificate. 

(Ezequias Gonçalves Dos Santos Junior is owner of the Ezequias Gonçalves Boxe Française Savate Club in Brazil. Guy Chase is a Professeur Silver Glove, Bronze Glove (trained under Salem Assli), Jeet Kune Do Instructor under Dan Inosanto, and owner of Guy Chase Academy of Martial Arts.  Chris Kent is a Silver Glove, Bronze Glove (trained under Salem Assli), and Jeet Kune Do Instructor under Dan Inosanto, and owner of Chris Kent Jeet Kune Do.  Snake Blocker was also ranked (Silver Glove & Moniteur) and trained under Nicolas Saignac (California-USA).  Snake Blocker attended Nicolas Saignac's Savate [Saˈvat] classes at Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts and trained via private lessons & seminars at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California and Kansas. Nicolas Saignac was ranked as a Savate [Sa'vat] Silver Glove (GAT 2) in France and is a former French Savate [Sa'vat] Champion. Snake Blocker considers Nicolas Saignac as the best Savate [Saˈvat] instructor in the USA.  Additionally, Snake Blocker was ranked and trained with Justou Laurent (France and California-USA).  Jusou Laurent is a former French Savate [Saˈvat] Champion and Savate [Saˈvat] Silver Glove.  Jusou Laurent visited Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California and worked with Snake Blocker on his Savate [Saˈvat] levels).  Snake Blocker and Rod Kei worked together and opened up a Salle (French Savate Club) together.  Snake Blocker also hosted Jean-Pierre Julemont to come to Colorado and Kansas and teach at his Salle (Blocker Savate Club). Dan Inosanto is a living lengend and he is ranked in more martial arts than anyone in the world, including receiving a Silver Glove and receiving private lessons from Salem Assli and Nicolas Saignac.

Certified Coach - Savate/Boxe Française (French Foot-Fighting [Saˈvat])
Certified Official - Savate/Boxe Française (French Foot-Fighting [Saˈvat])

Texas Savate Club License/Passport & Lifetime Member
Combatant Patch - Savate Danse de Rue℠
10 Year Savateur Phoenix Footprint Patch - Savate Danse de Rue℠
"Don't Tread on Me" Rattlesnake logo Fighter's Patch
Savate [Saˈvat] nickname/fighter's name: "Mamba"

Green Glove/Gant Vert and Red Glove/Gant Rouge (Levels 2 & 3) - Savate Danse de Rue℠ 
Received from Paul-Raymond Buitron III (Professeur, GAT 3 Silver Glove) (Texas, California, Kansas, and Colorado-USA), Witness signers: Paul Buitron II (Father of Paul-Raymond Bruitron III, Professeur GAT 3 Silver Glove), and ranked and trained under Jean-Pierre Julemont (Professeur, GAT 3 Silver Glove) (Belgium, Colorado-USA & Kansas-USA).  Jean-Pierre Julemont, Champion d'Europe Savate/Boxe Française 1970, Canne de Combat (French Cane Fighting) Instructor, Honorary Diploma of the Belgian Olympic Committee, and Savate Silver Glove (GAT 3).  Snake Blocker attended Jean-Pierre Julemont's Texas seminar and Snake Blocker flew him down to the USA from Belgium to teach a seminar at Blocker Savate Club in the arts of La Canne de Combat and Savate/Boxe Française in 2018.   Snake Blocker hosted Paul Buitron III several times at Blocker Savate Club, California, Kansas, and Colorado to conducts seminars.  Snake Blocker visited Paul Buitron's Savate Club in Larado, Texas to train multiple times. Paul Buitron trained in Savate [Saˈvat] in France and is a Silver Glove (GAT 3) Professeur.

California Savate Association License/Passport and Seminar Certificate of Savate Training

Received from Salem Assli (Professuer Silver Glove) (RIP) (California-USA).  Salem Assli, trained under Dan Inosanto (Sifu) in Jeet Kune Do, and is a Savate/Boxe Française (French Foot-Fighting [Saˈvat]) Silver Glove (GAT 3).  Salem Assli is a Savate Instructor at many of the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts training camps and he teaches around the world.  He is author of books on Savate, Jeet Kune Do and has several Savate videos produced.  Snake Blocker trained with Salem Assli at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts in seminar settings.  Salem Assli founded the California Savate Association.

Shoot-Fighting (AKA: Shoot-Wrestling - Shoot-Boxing - Shooto) (credentials)

Certified Junior Instructor - Shoot-Fighting (International Shoot Fighting Association) - (IUC #259 ISFA)

Brown Belt Instructor

Received from Bart Vale (Sensai) (California-USA).  Snake Blocker trained with Bart Vale via seminars in California.  Bart Vale is a former Shoot-Fighting/Shooto World Champion). Snake Blocker was also ranked and trained under Mike Omerbegovich (Sensai) (California-USA) and approved by Sam Muratore (Sensai), former Shoot Wrestling Champion (Sam Muratore Shoot Wrestling).  Snake Blocker trained with Mike Omerbegovcih via many private lessons around California. Mike Omerbegovich was a Shoot Fightihng instructor at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California.   

Apache Tactics (credential)

Certified Basic Instructor - Apache "Ghost Dog" Knife Survival/Fighter

Received the Apache fighting name, "Kicking Dog."

Received from Robert Redfeather (prior Robert M Torres), claimed Mescalero Apache (California-USA - 2005).  Snake Blocker begin teaching Ápấchề Knife Fighting & Battle Tactics in 1995 and several years after Snake Blocker began teaching Ápấchề Knife Fighting & Battle Tactics, Robert Redfeather began teaching his knowledge of Mescalero Apache Knife Fighting as an adult, which he stated he learned from his grandparents, that he coined "Ghost Dog" Knife Fighting. Snake Blocker trained with multiple Apache, so he also did some training with Robert Redfeather and knife sparred with Robert Redfeather and brother Ralf Redfeather, via a seminar in California in 2005. In 2008, Snake Blocker, Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas and Alan Tafoya, Jicarilla Apache & 2x Soldier of Fortune Knife Fighting World Champion filmed for Spike TV on their show: Deadliest Warrior, Apaches versus Gladiators, Season 1, Episode 1. Robert Redfeather and Snake Blocker had a chance to hang out years later in California in 2020. In March 2015, Snake Blocker (Apache Historian) with Nancy McGrown Minor (Apache Historian and author of 3 books on the Lipan Apache) published Apache Warrior Journey 1 book, which highlighted Apache Knife Fighting & Battle Tactics. In 2019, Robert Redfeather published Apache Knife - Fight Like the Wind.  

Note: Apache Knife Fighting is not a formal martial art. Apache Knife Fighting is a history of battle tactics passed down from various Apache tribal warriors over centuries. There is no one Grandmaster in Apache Knife Fighting. There is no legal owner of the word or phrase, "Apache Knife Fighting." No one owns the word use (copyright, trademark, or registered) of "Apache," or "Apache Knife Fighting." Simply enjoy its history.​

Authorized Instructor & Subject Matter Expert on Ápấchề  Knife Fighting & Battle Tactics

Authorized Instructor on Apache Journey 1-5 Curriculum & Historian Representative of the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas and member of their Lipan Apache Veteran Society.

Authorized by the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas Chairman and other Apache warriors and elders. 

Jiu-Jitsu (credentials)

Certified Instructor/Brown Belt - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Joe Moreira & Francisco Mansor

Joe Moreira Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Affiliate (Authorization to use the Joe Moriera logo)

Purple Belt Stripe 2 - Jiu-Jitsu Global Federation (JJGF) under Rickson Gracie

JIGF Official Academy

JJGF Official Practitioner & Educational Unit Member #5258

Certified Basic Instructor/Purple Belt Stripe 2 - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Wander "The Crusher" Braga (Rickson Gracie Lineage)

Wander Braga Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Affiliate (Braga Jiu-Jitsu Brazil - Barra da Tijuca)

Received Purple Belt Strip 2 from Rickson Gracie (Sensai/9th Dan/Degree Red Belt) (Jiu-Jitsu Global Federation).  Rickson Gracie is the son of Helio Gracie (Sensai/10th Dan/Degree Red Belt).  Helio and Rickson Gracie are Multi-World Champions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and Vale Tudo. (No-Holds Barred (NHB)) 

Received his Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu signed by 10th Degree Red Belt Grand Master Francisco Mansor, 9th Degree Red Belt Grand Master Joe Moreira, Black Belt Joe Moreira Jr., UFC Champion Rampage Jackson, Coral Belt Krauss Mansor, and 5th Degree Black Belt Kainoa Li (California-USA). Joe [Jose Carlos] Moreira trained under Reyson Gracie (Black Belt & BJJ World Champion), the legendary Fernando Guimaraes “Pinduka,and Francisco Mansure and recieved his 9th Degree Red Belt under Francisco Mansor.  Grandmaster Francisco Mansure received his 9th Degree Red Belt under Helio Gracie (RIP), and years later received his 10th Degree Red Belt in 2024. Snake Blocker was first introduced to Joe Moreira via Fabiano Ihn (Black Belt & BJJ World Champion) in the early 1990's.  Snake Blocker received his first Blue Belt from Fabiano Ihn in 1995. Snake Blocker trained with Fabiano Ihn, where he taught Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts (located inside the Rolling Hills Athletic Club, Torrance, California).  At the time, Fabiano Ihn was a black belt under Joe Moreira and a former World Champion in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Vale Tudo. Snake Blocker trained with Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Kaiona Li in Oahu-Hawaii, Kansas-US, and California-USA (Purple Belt-Brown Belt Years). 

Snake Blocker trained and was ranked, Purple Belt Stripe 2, and given the fighting name, "Stranger [to Pain]," from Wander Braga (6th Dan/Degree Black Belt) (California-USA).  Wander Braga subleased space at the Blocker Academy of Martial Arts studio for over a year and taught Braga Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Rickson Gracie Association recognized).  Wander Braga is a former Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Vale Tudo World Champion.  Wander Braga also trained under the Rickson Gracie International Jiu-Jitsu Association, under Jorge Pereira.  Wander Braga introduced Snake Blocker to Rickson Gracie in 2000.  Snake Blocker attended Wander Braga & Magalio (Maga) Abate's wedding in California.  

Snake Blocker also trained and was ranked Blue Belt under Rodrigo Medeiros (Black Belt) (California-USA).  Snake Blocker trained and tested with Rodrigo Medeiros via a seminar in California. Rodrigo Medeiros and Snake Blocker co-taught a seminar on Vale Tudo, Muay Thai and Apache Knife Fighting in Corona, California.  At the time, Rodrigo Medeiros was a black belt and part of the Carlson Gracie Team. Rodrigo Mederios is a Multi-World Champion in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Mike Omerbegovich introduced Rodrigo Medeiros to Snake Blocker. Later, Snake Blocker was ranked Purple Belt Basic Instructor under Mike Omerbegovich (California-USA). Snake Blocker trained with Mike Omerbegovich (Carlson Gracie Team) at Mike's academy, Bianzhu Kilos Martial Arts Academy (Corona-California).  Snake Blocker and Mike Omerbegovich did seminars together multiple times. Mike also trained and taught at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts (Palos Verdes and Torrance, California).  Mike Omerbegovich was ranked under Carlos Gracie Jr and Rodrigo Medeiros in BJJ.  

Snake Blocker also trained and was ranked under Roger Machado (California-USA).  Snake Blocker trained via semi-private classes and private lessons. Roger Machado subleased space at the Blocker Academy of Martial Arts studio and taught Roger Machado Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  At the time, Roger Machado was a black belt and former World Champion in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Prior to this, Snake Blocker's first experience in BJJ started with Rorian Gracie and his brother, Royce Gracie at the world-famous Gracie Academy (Torrance, California-USA).  Paul Vunak, Progressive Fighting Systems President, recommended Snake Blocker to train with the Gracie family to improve his Jeet Kune Do training.  Snake Blocker trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Royce Gracie, from novice to intermediate classes. Rorian Gracie & Royce Gracie are high ranking under their father, Helio Gracie and all are former World Champions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  Royce Gracie is a former 3x Ultimate Fighting Champion (UFC) World Champion. 

Brown II - Kodenkan Jujitsu (traditional jiu-jitsu)

Blocker Academy of Martial Arts School Charter Membership (#4411)

Snake Blocker received Brown II Belt and academy charter membership approval from Daniel Saragosa (Oahu, Hawaii-USA).  Daniel Saragosa is a Professor and President of the American Jiu-Jitsu Institute (AJI).  The American JuJitsu Institute is the official organization of the Okazaki system of Jujitsu. AJI is also the oldest organization representing Danzan-Ryu Jujitsu in America. The original name was American Jujitsu Guild, founded in 1939, but was changed to American Jujitsu institute on 29 June 1947. 

United States Army Combatives School 82nd Airborne Division:

Modern Army Combatives Level I & Modern Army Combatives Level II 

Received from Joshua Winter, Samuel Vanderslice, Craig Alia (Bagram Base-Afghanistan and headquarters at US Army base, North Carolina-USA).  Army Combatives I & II have their foundation in Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and was instructed similar to Sport BJJ & Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).

Gracie Survival Tactics (GST) Level 1 Instructor

Gracie University's specialized Defensive Tactics program for law enforcement, military and first responders 

Received from Rener Gracie (Black Belt) (Colorado-USA).  Rener Gracie is the son of Rorian Gracie (9th Dan/Degree Red Belt), founder of Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy.

Gracie Mindset Course

Instructed by Rorion Gracie (9th Dan/Degree Red Belt), founder of Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy

Black Belt - American Combat JuJitsu Systems

Coach - Catch Wrestling

Received from David Tice (RIP) (Oberlin, KS-USA). David Tice was certified as a 4th Degree Black Belt instructor under Steve Crawford, 6th Degree Black Belt (Kansas City, KS-USA). David Tice also did some training under lengendary Gene LeBell (Bruce Lee's Judo trainer), Erick Paulson (Shooto Fighting Champion), and ranked under Paul Vunak (1st Generation student under Dan Inosanto) as a Progressive Fighting System (PFS) Contemporary Jeet Kune Do (CJKD) Full Instructor. David Tice instructed ground fighting at Paul Vunak's 2019 seminar and at the 26th Annual Jeet Kune Do Gathering at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts. Paul Vunak accepted an honorary Black Belt in Jujitsu from David Tice. David Tice received a Certificate of Recognition from The City of Los Angeles, California from Mayor Antonio Ramon Villaraigosa. David Tice received Grandmaster rank by La Academia de Combate Libre y Defensa Personal, signed by Luis Alfonso Camargo, Navarrete Cornejo, and Fidel Angel Ramfrex. David Tice was also honored as an Instructor and Honorary Ambassador from the IMB Poland Adamusik Academy of Martial Arts. David Tice received Professor recognition for his dedication, passion and lifetime achievement in the field of martial arts from JKD Defensive Arts (Jeet Kune Do, Ju Jitsu, and Kali/Arnis/Eskrima) by Lucian Mega (Romania). David Tice received the rank of JJP Instructor (Advanced Level) from Griffin Fighting Systems Jeet Kune Do Concepts signed by Cesar Garcia (Cesar's Vale Tudo Academy, Baldwin Park, CA-USA). David Tice was ranked 7th Degree Black Belt (Shichidan) in Thomas System Budokan Federation from Kenneth L. Penland, Hanshi-Judan (ranked Black Belt from Tennessee Karate Institute, under Ed Parker and Elvis Presley). 

Tae Kwon Do (TKD) credentials)

9th Degree (Gu Dan) Master Belt - Tae Kwon Do (World MUSA Tae Kwon Do (WMT - USA) (Registration # US016, General Record # CO001)

Received from Kevin Troy Thompson, Vice-President - WMT-USA and Grandmaster Carlos Roberto Da Silva, President - WMT-USA. Grandmaster Silva and Tae Kwon Do was the second martial arts that Snake Blocker studied since his youth (Received in Nevada-USA). 

4th Degree Master Belt - Tae Kwon Do (Moo Duk Kwan Association)

Received from the Moo Duk Kwan Association (MDK) of Korea from Great Grandmaster Joong K. Nam (Senior 9th Dan/Degree Black Belt & TKD Olympic Coach) and Grandmaster Kai Li (9th Dan/Degree Black Belt).  MDK Association is the oldest School of Tae Kwon Do (TKD) in Korea.  Grandmaster Chuck Norris received his Master Belts (1st-9th Degree) from this organization. (Received in Hawaiii-USA, from Korea).

2nd Degree Black Belt - Tae Kwon Do (World's Best Tae Kwon Do School)

Received from David Contreras (California-USA).  Snake Blocker trained in Tae Kwon Do under David Contreras via private lessons at World's Best Tae Kwon Do and Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California.  David Contreras is a high-ranking black belt in Tae Kwon Do and served in U.S.A. Marine Corp.

Presidential Sports Award - Tae Kwon Do

Received from William Jefferson Clinton (42nd USA President, Washington DC-USA) 

American Kickboxing (credentials)

10th Degree Master Belt - American Kickboxing

Received from Grandmaster Carlos Roberto Da Silva, President - WMT-USA. Grandmaster Silva (Nevada-USA)

Snake Blocker was first introduced to American Kickboxing in 1991.

Affiliate Arts - Special Courses (credentials)

Brown Belt - Hapkido (Hwaiian Hapkido Federation)

Received from Kainoa Li, Grandmaster 9th Dan World Hapkido Federation (WHF) (Oahu-Hawaii-USA). Lineage: Grandmaster Hwang In Shik (friend of Bruce Lee and featured in Bruce Lee's movies).

Practitioner Level 5 - Israeli Combat System (Krav Maga Hawaii)

Received from Kainoa Li, Chief Instructor under the International Krav Maga Federation (Kansas-USA).

Note: Krav Maga is very similar to Jeet Kune Do Concepts and easy to transition from Jeet Kune Do to Krav Maga and vice-versa.

Purple Belt (Level 3) Elite Training Systems (ETS)

Received from Kainoa Li (Black Belt Grandmaster), Donald Cummins (Black Belt Grandmaster), Adam Garcia (3rd Dan/Degree Black Belt-American JiuJitsu Institute (AJI)), and Nathan Young (2nd Dan/Degree Black Belt-AJI) (Oahu-Hawaii).  Kainoa Li is the Founder of ETS and Grandmaster in multiple arts (Received in Oahu-Hawaii-USA) 

Level 2 - Belardiri Silat Combatives

Received from Errol Deppe (California-USA).  Snake Blocker trained in Belardiri Silat Combative under Errol Deppe via seminar at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California.  Errol Deppe is the most senior instructor in Belardiri Silat in the USA.

Colorado Firearm Safety Certificate

Received from Kevin Polk (Colorado-USA).

National Rifle Association (NRA) Security Officer Pistol Course

Received from NRA Instructor (Colorado-USA).

Able Shepard Part 1 - Active Shooter Pistol Course

Taught by Jimmy Graham (Colorado-USA).  Jimmy Graham is a retired Navy SEAL.  Snake Blocker and Jimmy Graham met in the Navy.


Nunchaku Course Completion Patch

Received from Randy Chambliss (California-USA).  Randy Chambliss was owner of Champions Olympic Sportplex and is a high-ranking black belt in Tae Kwon Do.


USA Archery - Levels 1 & 2 Archery Coach

Received from Mike Perrego (Level 4 Olympic Archery Coach) and Teresa Perrego (Level 4 Olympic Archery Coach) (Colorado-USA). 

USA Archery - Trained for 1 year

Classes instructed by John Stevens (California-USA).  John Stevens was a USA Olympic Archery Coach, and he won Bronze Medal for Team U.S.A. at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and he took individual Silver.  Snake Blocker trained with John Stevens at Champions Olympic Sportplex, Torrance, California.

USA Fencing - Trained for 1 year

Classes instructed by Vadim Diambekov (California-USA).  Vadim Diambekov was a USA Olympic Fencing Coach and former USSR Olympian medalist.  Snake Blocker trained with Vadim Diambekov at Champions Olympic Sportplex, Torrance, California.

Gymnastics - Trained for 2 years

Classes instructed by Tara Brady & Jessica Burt (California-USA).  Tara Brady and Jessica Burt were Regional Gymnastic Champions. Snake Blocker trained via private lessons at Champions Olympic Sportplex, Rolling Hills Athletic Club, and Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, Torrance, California.

Seminar Certificate of Knife Training

Received from Ernie Emerson (California-USA).  Snake Blocker hosted Ernie Emerson's Knife Seminars at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California. Ernie Emerson and Snake Blocker both lived in Palos Verdes, California. Ernie Emerson is the founder and owner of Emerson Knives.

Trained under additional instructors:

(Snake Blocker attended classes and completed seminar training under the following additional instructors, which were not listed above.)

-Patrick Auge, Akido black belt (Snake Blocker attended Akido classes in California for 3 months.)

-Gilles le Dui Gou, former Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) Champion and Savate Silver Glove (GAT 3) (Snake Blocker attended Gilles le Dui Gou's New Jersey Savate [Sa'vat] seminar.)

-Andre 'Big Blue' Grimes, former Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) Champion and Savate Silver Glove (Snake Blocker attended Andre Grimes' Texas Savate [Sa'vat] seminar and Andre Grimes taught Savate [Sa'vat] at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, California via private lessons and seminar settings.)

-Jim McCann, Jeet Kune Do, MMA and Pro Boxer Trainer/Instructor and holder of many titles in Ground and Stand-Up Fighting (Snake Blocker trained with Jim McCann at his California Ground Fighting and Boxing seminars.)

-Ralf Pena, Tae Kwon Do Black Belt (Ralf Pena was Snake Blocker's first Tae Kwon Do Instructor in California.  Ralf Pena taught classes in a room at a church.)

-Yorinaga Nakamura, Senior Instructor at Intosanto Academy of Martial Arts and former Shoot Fighting World Champion (Snake Blocker trained in Jeet Kune Do/Shoot Fighting-Wrestling/Jun Fan Gung Fu classes at Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts, California.)

-A.J. "Taz," Black Belt Instructor (A.J. "Taz" was Snake Blocker's first Nuchuku instructor via private lessions at Nautilus Aerobic Plus, Rowland Heights, California.)

-Daniel Sullivan, Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) Silver Glove under Nicolas Saignac and Jeet Kune Do Instructor under Dan Inosanto (Daniel Sullivan was Snake Blocker's Jeet Kune Do Instructor and Snake Blocker did private lessons on Jeet Kune Do at Nautilus Aerobics Plus, Torrance, California - 1993)

-Miah Guiterrez, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instructor (Miah Guiterrez hosted Snake Blocker and other Blocker Academy of Martial Arts seminars at his studio in Colorado.  Snake Blocker also attended Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes taught by Miah Guiterrez.  They still stay in contact).

-Rey Diago, former Jiu Jitsu World Champion (Snake Blocker attended Rey Diago's class when he was part of the California Fight Club at Rey Diago Jiu Jitsu studio, California.) 

-Richard Bastillo (RIP), Original Bruce Lee Student and Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame Inductee (Richard Bastillo was a guest instructor at a seminar at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, Palos Verdes, California.)

-Michael Giordani, former Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) Champion and Savate Silver Glove.  (Michael Giordani came to Blocker Academy of Martial Arts during seminars and Savate assault tournaments.  Michael Giordani and Snake Blocker would spar together at events.)

-Jason Krikorian, Brown Belt, under Rickson Gracie, former Vale Tudo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champion, and 1st Generation USA student (Jason Krikorian subleased space at the Blocker Academy of Martial Arts studio for several months udner Jason Krikorian Brazilian Ju Jitsu, and Snake Blocker and Jason Krikorian would do private and group lessons together. Jason Krikorian also introduced Wander Braga, former Vale Tudo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champion, to Snake Blocker. Wander Braga later taught at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts under Wander Braga Jiu Jitsu Academy.)

-Magida Raguig, former 8x Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) French Champion, 2x Savate World Champion, and Savate Silver Glove (Magida Raguig was Snake Blocker's girlfriend during her 1 year stay in California and they trained and sparred together in Savate.  Magida Raguig also was an instructor at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, Palos Verdes, California for one year and they still stay in contact with each other).

-Carl "Dragon" VanMeter, Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) Instructor and Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee (multiple times).  (Carl VanMeter instructed at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts studio for two years and was one of Snake Blocker's Inner Circle of Best Friends.  Carl VanMeter was also Snake Blocker's corner man for a couple of his amateur and pro fights.)

-Relson Gracie, Red Belt Brazilian Ju Jitsu, former Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champion (Snake Blocker trained with Relson Gracie via seminars in Hawaii & Colorado.)

-Greg Ringness,  7th Black Belt in Kajukembo/Kenpo Karate (Snake Blocker attended Greg Ringness seminar in Texas.)

-Richard Sylla, former Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) Champion, and Savate Silver Glove (Snake Blocker attended Richard Sylla's seminar in Texas.)

-Stephen Gougne, former Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) Champion, and Savate Silver Glove (Snake Blocker attended Stephen Gougne's seminar in Texas and still keeps in contact with each other.)

-John Potenza, Catch Wrestling Instructor (Snake Blocker trained with John Potenza at 'Merica II seminar in Nashville, TN on Catch Wrestling).

-Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, Former World Champion Kickboxer.  (Snake Blocker attended Bill Wallace's seminar in Denver, CO).

-Ápấchề tribal members (Snake Blocker worked with gathering details on traditions, history, and battle tactics from many Ápấchề historians, elders, medicine men, and tribal members from various Ápấchề tribes.)

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